Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 6: Chapter 16

Well this quarter is now at a wrap, I can’t believe how fast it flew by! Ending our quarter on the dealings and definitions in death really put a lot into perspective. Like I said in the last blog I am mostly afraid of getting old not so much of dying. But the more I think about it I am also afraid of not living. Of feeling as if I have not done all the things I wanted to in life. Hopefully I will get the chance to finish my bucket list! Also talking about how death can bring people together I look back on all the deaths in my family and friends and it really has created bonds that were not there before. Like tiny golden threads  that connect us together, we may not acknowledge them all the time but they are their none the less,  in the back of our minds we know a little more about that person and have that comfort to fall into if needed and that memory of how we came together.
I found the different cultures perspective on death very interesting. I really enjoyed the Ghana people who talk about peaceful deaths and how they come if one has had a long and well spent life and ends naturally surrounded by family. I can only hope that this is how I will go. Unfortunately too many people are taken from us too young and sometime violently. I really wonder about the world sometimes and how nature takes away our youngsters in such harsh manners sometimes. Even if someone tries to live the best life they can and are good people bad things still happen and it is so frustrating. Overpopulation has really added to this. I feel as if the more people on the planet the more underlying stress everyone endures and the more people are likely to break under that stress especially in underdeveloped countries where natural resources are scarce.
This class has really been a learning experience for me and makes me stop and think a little bit longer about the world and how we all fit into it in different points along the lifespan. I like to look at my life so far and compare how much I have changed and how much the world around me has changed and how I look at it now. I hope that these perspectives will stick with me and help me grow as a person throughout my lifespan.